Reviews: Bruce Springsteen – Born to Run (the autobiography)

One of the best books I've ever read came out earlier this autumn. It's called Born to Run, and it's the autobiography of Bruce Springsteen. I've been a Bruce fan since 2002, aged 17. A love affair that's gotten stronger and stronger through the years. I love Bruce for his empathy, his burning heart, his … Fortsätt läsa Reviews: Bruce Springsteen – Born to Run (the autobiography)

New Discoveries: The Arms of Someone New

The Arms of Someone New isn't a new band in any literal sense of the word, but they're (sort of) new to me. Apparently, according to, I briefly listened to them back in the spring of 2010, but I have no real recollection of it, so to call it a rediscovery would be a stretch. … Fortsätt läsa New Discoveries: The Arms of Someone New