New Discoveries: Sekel

Hurula får den mesta uppmärksamheten från kritiker och den breda publiken, men den fräschaste postpunken just nu kommer från Malmö. Jag har tidigare pratat om True Moon och deras snygga blandning av Siouxie and the Banshees-attiyd och Chameleons-gitarrer. Den senaste upptäckten jag gjort heter Sekel. Sprungna ur psykrockbandet Technicolor Poets spelar de en atmosfärisk och melodiös postpunk, … Fortsätt läsa New Discoveries: Sekel

My Formative Teenage Albums

This entry is inspired by something I read on Pitchfork yesterday. There, the staffers had listed the ten albums from their formative teenage years that have made the most lasting impression on them. As a list geek I immediately figured I wanted to do the same. In chronological order, here are the ten most important … Fortsätt läsa My Formative Teenage Albums

New Discovery: Shrine

Earlier this week I stumbled upon the glorious works of Bulgarian dark ambient maestro Hristo Gospodinov, aka Shrine, and I was captivated. I'm especially enthralled by his latest release, called Ordeal 26.04.86 - which serves as a tribute to the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster of 1986. It's a cinematic album.  Atmospheric and chilly, dark, with heavy electronics. … Fortsätt läsa New Discovery: Shrine